Friday, October 10, 2008


So I got my first real, professional, full-body massage tonight...right in the comfort of my own room. It's great to have the right kind of friends that agree it is fair to trade services:)

I will say I thoroughly enjoyed myself and learned a lot in the process, like:
I have tight muscles in places I never would've thought...
My hips are uneven because of the pull from my right-sidedness
I have to literally command my muscles to relax, because they stay tense when left to themselves. I must live on the edge of "ready to move at any time" and "high-strung life"
(well, I suppose she was pretty accurate with that)

Anyway, despite the periodic "good pain", I was ultimately relaxed and felt great afterward. I admit to also feeling a little euphoric or drugged for a while. Kinda weird but awesome at the same time. I am definitely converted to doing that more often.


Eric and Brynn said...

Well hey cutie! I think I came across your blog once and then forgot how to get back to it. I will add you to my blog so I can keep tabs on ya. How are you?

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh. That sounds nice - although that table looks kind of scary! What are those things at the bottom? Yikes!

Emily Gilgen said...

that is just the headrest that isn't pulled up yet. lol. not anything scary.