Sunday, July 17, 2011

17 days to go

Yup, time is speeding up and I am realizing all the little detail things I didn't think of before.
Invitations are finally OUT! Well, except for the few addresses I'm still waiting for...

Here's some of our favorite engagement pictures for those of you who haven't seen them on facebook.

Monday, July 4, 2011

28 days to go

I went for a long weekend to Austin, TX to visit my brother Paul, his wife, and 3 kids (all aged 3 and under). It was fun! We went to Sea World, saw the largest bat colony come out at night, ate great food and hung out with friends.The kids were so adorable (see this cutie-pie above, I could just squeeze and kiss him cheeks all day)

and then these toddlers that are so sweet when they call me Auntie-Emmy and say the cutest things...but could also throw some terrific tantrums. Good reminder (birth control) for a newly-wed.

I also got to hang out with Paul and Vee, their friends Naomi and Sharon, and my friends Ralphie and Brian. It was a good break.

31 days to go

I got excited again today and I tried to put a countdown widget on the side of my blog...yeah, I am blog-challenged because I couldn't get it to work, or the next one I tried, or the next. This while people are in the other room talking about computer languages and coding, etc. Sigh... This is why my blog never changes backgrounds or includes videos. I guess that just means I'll have to count myself and blog more often :) Or swallow my pride and go ask for help.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Hooray. I am getting married on August 4th. The plans are now solidified, the date is set and reservations made. I am excited to finally have it set for had to be moved back several times due to things beyond my control and I struggle with patience so this is very relieving for me. I am so thankful that the approval came the very last day to reserve a room before the temple closed for the whole month of July. Look forward to formal announcements coming soon!