Am I really staying up late telling everyone how geeky I am...I guess so.
25 Reasons my family can be considered "geeky"
1: We amused ourselves for endless hours during our childhood in the fully functioning city of Legoland that occupied an entire room...sometimes more.
2: I learned about politics/court system from Legoland
3: My brother first introduced me to this new thing called the World Wide Web when I was in middle school and the first thing we looked up was the Dr. Pepper site.
4: We made home videos of the adventures of lego people as well as a regular sitcom involving my stuffed animals
5: I still remember the theme song I wrote for the sitcom "Oh we're the Andersons..."
6: We all played 7 yrs in an orchestra or band or both.
7: My siblings and I listened to "learn Japanese on tape" on our roadtrip to Oregon
8: Sunday nights always included an episode of Star Trek, next generation
9: We have been known to IM or text one another while in the room
10: I have actually text-raced with my brother-he totally won...
11: I bought an iphone the very next week.
12: 4 people in my family already own an iphone
13: I Gchat with at least one family member a day...sometimes concurrently with several since we are all frequently by a computers during the day.
14: My boss at the grocery store once called me to her office to fix her computer...because I was a "Cannon" so I must know how...
15: We can have hour-long conversations consisting only of movie quotes
16: We will all randomly burst out into the same song while playing cards...usually on the same note
17: We actually talk about binary over dinner.
18: A grades were expected and our parents were surprised if we
didn't actually get an A
19: We play games like "Set" for fun.
20: I am known as one of the most tech-savvy people at work, yet would be considered one of the least savvy at home.
21: My family would actually get together and sit in a room with their own computers to play warcraft together
22: We all contribute to an annual Limerick contest without any prize but bragging rights.
23: We can all sing along with the entire score of Carmina Burana,
24: We have been known to hear a band song and start singing our respective instrumental parts
25: We actually don't care that people think we are geeky :)